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Nutrijingle: A Fierce Competion

In the month of July, the school held Nutrition Month Celebration by hosting some activities and contests with relevance to the theme. The TLE and STEP Club hosts a lot of contests such as cooking contest to promote a healthy lifestyle and to eat vegetables, poster making contest to enhance the skills of the students in drawing and coloring, and the a lot more. The highlight of the Nutrition month celebration is the Nutrijingle competition.
Every year the TLE and STEP Club hosts a friendly competition involving the nutrition month celebration on the month of July. This competition is called the “Nutrijingle competition”. The students are required to perform song that are self-composed. This competition is a competition in which the students look forward to because it tests their teamwork and competitiveness and the students practice every weekend to try to win in the competition. Every grade level has an elimination in which 3 winners per grade level will battle in the finals. Its purpose is to take the students’ minds off academic activities and to promote sportsmanship and teamwork between the students. But does it really promote these kinds of traits?
As we all know, every competition has its winner. And the winner proves that they are the best in that field of competition. That’s why every student try their best to prove themselves to their teachers that the time given to them is worth it. And if there’s a winner, there will always be a loser. Losing in a competition can be hard and sad sometimes because the effort that we did to prove that we are winners will become useless. But the happiness that we experienced during the practices will always be a memory we will never forget. And in the Nutrijingle competition, we won in the elimination and we had our hopes up for the finals. We practiced really hard every weekend and during vacant. But in the finals, our best efforts is not enough to win the competition because the other sections were better than us at some points. But we accepted the defeat and said to ourselves that we will do our best in the next competitions. We made our defeat as guide and motivation to do our best.
In the end, the competition's intention is not about who wins in the contest but to promote a healthy lifestyle and help the students improve their teamwork as a section.




  1. Let planting be your hobby john!

  2. Everyone fails at something, still congrats and you did well during the competition. At least you tried and you did your best.

  3. Exactly!Catch title!That was on point!Hope to see more interesting blogs from you:)))


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