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First Grading: A Great Start

          In the first  two and a half months of learning with Ma’am Vera Cruz I learned  many things. Specifically in about the history of the internet, who are the people behind the making of the internet and about blogging. I improved my writing skills when I was writing the activities given by our teacher. And it was beneficial to us students because as we all know, writing is one of the basic requirements of a student in school.
            Of course there are problems that I encountered in the two and a half month of learning. When we were tasked to post for the first time, I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know what to write in my draft but with the help of my teacher, I was able to handle it myself. She taught us how to write the introduction and the rest of the blog. Another is how hard we manage time. There are many requirements in other subjects and the blogs. But as time passes, we managed to adapt and passed our requirements on time. Time management is one of the most important things in high school life.
            To sum it all up, the first grading period was  a lot of fun and I got to interact with my classmates more and I will apply what I have learned in my daily life. I am looking forward to the next grading periods.


  1. the way you expressed your words in your essay are so damn good!
    You're a honest child. Your parents must be so proud of you!

  2. This is what i want! Great job Brother!


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