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Showing posts from October, 2018

2nd Grading Period Reflection

Another grading is done again. Things got a little more challenging and interesting these past lessons but I managed to go through them with the help of my teacher and also my classmates. This grading I learned a lot about how html tags work and how the internet works and I like how it helped me improve as a student.  We learned how tags work during the second grading, they are commands that are used in the Notepad or the Simple text. And talking about the notepad, before we tackled about tags and html, I thought the notepad was only used for writing notes only but I thought wrong. The notepad is a major tool in editing and maling html files.   To sum it all up, I had fun learning the lesson of the 2nd Grading period and I would like to thank my teachet for teaching us these stuff and for not getting bored in teaching us great stuff. I am looking forward to the lessons that we will learn in the 3rd Grading period. 


         Today is thr day, the day we end racism, the day we accept individual differences. One of the major problems in our planet is not accepting each other. If you're white, you treat thr blacks or asians like they are not humans. Well let's start today, in accepting each and every race in the world.        This year's UN Month celebration's theme; Coming Together with Those Furthest Behind To Build an Inclusive World of Universal Respect for Human Rights and Dignity, It means Unity is needed to build a worked that is peaceful and progressive. We have to understand not just our race, but also others,  to achieve this this kind of world. Let us imagine if we all can understand each other, doesn't that make a better world? or rather, a peaceful world where everything is love. The purpose of this celebration is to understand others far in our kind. It teaches us on how other kinds live the same as us. It teaches us about unity is power.        It will take a

Teachers are Important to Us

Teachers are one of the most important people in our lives. They serve as our second parent, a friend and a buddy. They teach us the things that we will be needing in the future. They mold us to become the people we want to be. So it is just right to celebrate a day specially for them.  Teachers Day is celebrated on October 5 every year to celebrate and to remind our teachers that they are important in our lives. We celebrate it because we want to thank them for the hardwork and effort that they give each day. During the Teachers Day celebration in our school, the teachers had a day off and some students acted like little teachers for the day. The students tried their best to surprise their teachers with presents.  These are what happened during the teachers month celebration in our school and I would like to take this opportunity to thanks all of my teachers that guided me and helped me become the person who I am today. 

Science Month Celebration

Every year, our school celebrates the Science month on the month of September. They say that science is fun and I agree to that. Every science month celebration, there are a lot of activities that are done. And I'm gonna tell you our experience during the science month celebration.  There are a lot of activities during the science month celebration, but for us, we didn't get a chance to join any of the activities. Just like scitrix, himig kalikasan and the highlight of the science month, thr Ginoo at Binibing Kalikasan. Even if we didn't get a chance to join any of the activities, our classmate was one of the contestants of the pageant and we did our best to show our support to him even if he didn't win the competition. What matters is the experience and the support that we gave to him.  This is our experience during the science month celebration and we had a lot of fun doing it.