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Dream your Future

Everybody has dreams that we want to achieve. Dreams of becoming successful in our lives, in our family, in our future. Well as we know, dreams do not always come true,  it takes hardwork, dedication, consistency and other traits in order to achieve your dreams. I have a dream, becoming a CPA Lawyer, yes I know that it's a big dream and it seems impossible for me but I want to push myself to do my best. I want to own cars have a good life and a good family too. I'm currently a Grade 10 student in ISNHS, I may not be as hardworking, as intelligent, not as responsible as other students but I believe that all of us can achieve our dreams if we do our best to become the person we want to be in the future. Our dreams are our future so we must dream high in order to bring the best in ourselves. Until our good is better and our better is best. Reference:
Recent posts

4th Quarter: The End

It's been months of learning lessons and facing problems. Months of memories and hardships that made us stronger and pushed us to our limits. These memories made our bond stronger and we can use this bond in our future. The four quarters were hard but we got through it. A lot of lessons learned from our subject and we had our teacher to guide us when we need help and don't know what to do and of course we had each other's back when we need help. Through this, we managed to go through and learn from the challenges that we faced. But we all know that everything has an end. This was a great experience and a joyful journey, months passed and memories were gained. I will never forget these memories with everyone. Reference: 

Beginning of our Future

Foundation day is the day we celebrate how our school was founded. It is celebrated annually to honor our school's foundation and history. It is said to be the most awaited event of the school year because it gives joy to us and each grade level performs a dance number. We celebrated our school's foundation day on March 2, 2019. It was the 117th foundation day of our school and as we know, it's been a long journey for our school. A lot of memories were made and a lot of things changed in the past years. It was tiring but it was worth it. It's important to celebrate foundation day and it's significance to the school is to remind us about how our school produced and helped students reach their goals and have a better future. Reference:


Kannawidan Festival is celebrated by Ilocanos every year to remember and respect the traditions of our ancestors. It is celebrated to let the youth know more about the culture, the province’s product and let them reminisce the time of their grandmothers and what is essential then. The festival showcases each municipality’s own product, and some artists are invited to perform during the festival. It lasts from the last week of January to the first week of February. It’s a week of fun and memories. There are a lot of things to do and there is food from every municipality that can be enjoyed. This festival is truly one of a kind and gives importance to our ancestors, a way of knowing and preserving the values and traditions that can be passed to the future generations Reference:

Start change in yourself

One thing that is always and will never go away, change. Change is permanent in this world and we must accept it. The world is changing day by day,rapidly but is it for the good or the bad? The world as we know is not the way it used to be in the past. A lot of things changed, the environment, the people, the buildings, and even the climate is changing. These changes are not good for the earth because these changes lead to the destruction of it. Deforestation, Illegal mining, Oil spill, Dynamite fishing. All of these are the works of men. Yet we complain why there are no trees left to prevent the floods, we complain about the weather but we know that it is the effect of what we are doing. We must change in the good way in order to preserve the earth, change must not start in a country or in a barangay, it must start with every person in order to change the future of us. References:

New Me>Old Me

It’s a new year again and it’s a new start and new chances for everybody. Everyone has their or new year’s resolution because it’s a tradition to everyone that if a new year starts, we make plans on what we want to accomplish throughout the year. Last year taught me that in every challenge that you face, you learn a lesson if you try to face the challenges. It teaches us lessons that we can use in the next year and opportunities come in the next year. My goals this year is to be more serious in my studies, be more open to people around me and make more friends. Last year I didn’t have a new year’s resolution because I was not as responsible as I am now. But now, I will try my best to accomplish my new year’s resolution and make my parents proud. I think that 2019 will be a wonderful year for me. Reference:

Equallity for Everyone

They say that no man is an island and even if you're lonely sometimes, there will always be a person who will care for you. And men are made to be with women and women are made for men. And together they can do a lot of things like building a family and helping each other to survive. But in today’s time inequality is arising. It has a lot of negative effects to women and to the world. Women feel like they have no sense in the community and they do not feel important because of how men treat them. They treat them like slaves and they don’t appreciate their skills. And that changed the meaning of equality where everyone's right is equal and should be respected. Unity is being forgotten but we can bring it back again. In order to achieve equality, we made laws to respect and protect everyone’s right. Through that, equality can be slowly regained. But some countries don’t have these laws and don't consider women’s rights but we hope that they can make laws in order to achi